Friday, August 24, 2012

Luke & Lily

Last weekend we got to hang out at the family lake house with all of John's family.
Luke enjoyed playing with all three of his cousins, but I think Lily was his favorite.
 no son, you can't pick other people's noses either
 maybe it was because she's just a year older than him
 or maybe it's because she has a pretty cool sweatshirt
 Either way, they had a great time together.

Thursday, August 23, 2012


Luke loves to cruise now. He especially loves cruising around doors where he can see through to the other side. While visiting Grandma B and Grandaddy he loved to cruise around their storm door and watch Grandaddy feed the pets on the other side. Where did my little baby go?!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

tractor man

Today Luke got to sit in one of Grandaddy's tractors. He loved moving the steering wheel and pressing the buttons and levers. Oh Luke, if only you knew the fun you'd have on this farm.

Friday, August 17, 2012

morning play time

In the mornings, after breakfast and some milk, we play in the den in our jammies.
 And sometimes we do a little work
at our "desk"
 aka the end table in the den
I am so thankful for the opportunity to stay home with my baby boy 
and be able to play in our pjs until 9am everyday.

Thank you Lord for this amazing gift! 

Thursday, August 16, 2012

more birthday pictures

Here are a few more birthday pictures from Grandma B's camera.
I wish I could relive this day all over again!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

birthday party, round two

Since we celebrated Luke's birthday a few days before his actual birthday, I was determined to do something special to celebrate on the actual day, July 31st. I messaged some of my girlfriends who also have little ones around the same age and we all met up at our friend Kelly's place for some cookies, watermelon and pool time. I didn't take my camera out to the pool to capture the cuties in the water, but I did manage to snap a few photos during snack time. Meet the party animals.
                                       Luke                                                      Cara
                                       Grant                                                       Elise
Luke has eaten his weight in Mum Mums this summer.
 Everyone's looking in a different direction, but at least they're sitting!
Luke was really excited to sit next to pretty little Elise.
It doesn't appear that the feelings were mutual.
 Hey guys, watch me!
I'll show ya how it's done!
almost there...
and it's off! 
I love how every kid wore a party hat except for the birthday boy.
oh Luke...

But let's be honest: 
The party hats lasted about 30 seconds, and then our little photo session looked more like this.
 These pictures make me smile.
I'm so thankful to have good friends with sweet little ones to join me in the journey of parenthood.

Monday, August 13, 2012

a big day

Today was a BIG day in Luke's life so far!

He was sitting on his quilt in the den playing toys as he does every morning. 

As I peeked from around the corner of the room, I witnessed Luke
try to crawl towards an empty water bottle on the floor. 

His attempt at crawling left him laying down on his belly, but instead of screaming for help, our brave little boy army crawled/shimmied to get to the water bottle.

After he reached the water bottle, Luke then pushed himself back up into a sitting position
(a HUGE milestone we've been working on in therapy) 
and did a little two arm/one leg crawl over to the ottoman where he then pulled himself up to stand.
I was in tears watching him and thanking God for such progress.
I am amazed at my little man and how he is jumping leaps and bounds everyday.

Friday, August 10, 2012

ready for football

We are ready for Hokie football around here.
The best part about this hat is that I have a matching one in my size!
too bad I don't look as cute

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


We love hand-me-downs
especially when they are super cute baby boy clothes and shoes.
 These are a size 5/6 and they barely fit my child's chubby, pillowtop feet.
 So if you see a precious little boy wearing rain boots 
in the middle of summer,
on a perfectly sunny day, 
it's because his mommy loves how cute he looks in his awesome hand-me-downs.