Thursday, November 1, 2012

more Halloween pics

Last night we went trick-or-treating downtown.
If you're local to Hampton Roads you really need to make a point to come to Smithfield for Halloween. The vendors on Main Street close early and set up camp on their doorsteps with hot chocolate and buckets full of candy. Parents walk alongside their kids up and down Main St. trick-or-treating in a safe, fun, family-friendly environment. It really is community at it's best. Once the sun goes down the homes on Grace Street (immediately behind Main) come alive. There's even a Scooby house, complete with all the characters and a real dog! Sparky the fire dog even comes to the old fire station to hand out candy. Halloween is yet another reason I love living in this small coastal town.
"Look Mom! It's a giant piece of candy corn!"
Trick-or-treating with a 15 month old (as of yesterday!) is more like 
walking around and taking a million blurry pictures of your super cute kid.
seriously, that cuteness should not be allowed
The wagon was used primarily as a push toy rather than a seat.
Hey- whatever keeps them happy, right?!
 I'm afraid Luke may have inherited someone's lazy eyes. :)
a family picture where Luke is somewhat smiling?!
(even if I do have a banana on my chin)
 We did actually trek up to a few doors for some packs of pretzels. 
 Did you notice the banana in his pocket? so cute!
 I love you monkey meat!
 I hope everyone had a happy and safe halloween!

a day to celebrate!

Happy 15 months Luke!

At 15 months you:
-- are a walking man! You rarely fall now and can move like a big kid. (praise God!)
-- weigh 24 lbs, 15 ozs
-- wear 18 month or 18-24 month clothes
-- sleep a good 12 hours every night
--take just one afternoon nap a day
--finally hold your bottle/sippy cup independently
---enjoy trying new foods but usually pull most things out of your mouth after a few bites
(lovely, I know)
-- are still a picky eater. However, you'll always go for goldfish, Cheerios, and shredded cheese.
-- are much more verbal. You still only say "mama" but you'll jibber jabber much more now in little mini-conversations with us.
-- cannot stand diaper changes. The second I lay you down you flip out and squirm around until you can stand up again. Some days I give up and just let you play in your room butt naked.
-- are so much fun! I am really enjoying this stage. You are a delight to be around and bring so much joy to my life. Happy 15 months little monkey meat!

oh yeah & Happy Halloween!

Friday, September 28, 2012

zoo trip with friends

This week we met up with some of my primary school teachers turned stay-at-home-mom friends for a zoo trip. Our local zoo is so nice and the perfect place to spend a warm, fall morning.
from left to right: Elise, Cara, Ellie & Luke

Luke has a soft spot for Elise.
Cara loved hanging with Elise too.
and sweet Ellie, well, she decided baby dreams were better than stinky zoo animals :)
Most of the animals were out this morning.
I couldn't take enough photos of my cutie in his John Deere hat.
On our way out we caught a glimpse of the train.
Next time we are buying tokens and taking a ride!
 I had my friend Erin snap a few photos of Luke and I,
and though these are less than flattering of me, they document the two of us together!
What a fun trip to the zoo!

With our new membership (thanks to Luke's birthday gifts!) 
we look forward to spending many mornings here this fall!